We wait for the following message to appear: To execute the automated shutdown process. Automated shutdown of various MVS functions. Remember, the slash is needed to address MVS instead of Hercules. Modifications to IBM's MVS 3.8j operating system (delivered via turnkey-mvs) to add some z/OS (MVS/XA, OS/390) functionality, especially 31-bit addressing.To facilitate an orderly manual shutdown of MVS TK4- from the console, the following steps are necessary. And head over to the Moshox discord channel, lots of patience and polite people.How to run your first program on a mainframe using open source software. Also, for operation for input of cards and very nice output see the free MVS OPS.
For me the utility of tk4 is integration of new features (e.g., Volker stated he had a zap to set automatic console roll mode at I joined the tk4 group hoping to contribute to the MVS portion of the project, but at the time was stymied by the volume of non-MVS stuff to download (never got needed Cygwyn utilities loaded over a dial-up line, etc.).